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Over Four Decades of Hometown Legal Services



The law firm of Arends & Lee was founded in 1976 when Marc D. Arends joined his childhood friend, Robert E. Lee, in the practice Bob started in Humboldt, Iowa, the prior year.  In August of 2008, Ashley M. Emick joined Marc and Bob in practice, and the firm became Arends, Lee & Emick on January 1, 2013.  In May of 2013, Brett D. Legvold joined the practice, and on January 1, 2017, the firm became Arends, Lee, Emick & Legvold.  In December of 2016, Robert L. Myott joined the practice, and the firm became Arends, Lee, Emick, Legvold & Myott, PLC as of January 1, 2019. After more than four decades practicing together, Marc and Bob transitioned from full-time practice to being “of counsel” attorneys to the firm.  Their successful law practice is a testament to their friendship and their dedication to providing legal services to the community where they grew up together and chose to raise their families. Though the ownership of the firm has changed, the objective and approach has not.  Emick, Legvold and Myott still believe in dedicating their lives to serving the community in which they chose to raise their families by providing professional legal services and being active volunteers and leaders in their community.


The attorneys in the firm are fortunate to have dedicated and loyal staff members whom are long-time members of the Arends, Lee, Emick, Legvold & Myott, PLC team.  Gayle Fokken is a certified paralegal and enrolled agent and has been employed by the firm since 1976.  Full-time assistants include Cathy McCullough (since 1986), Karolee Wilson (since 1986), Jennie Dodd (since 2005), Melissa Girres (since 2005), and Barb Nelson (since 2023).  Part-time assistants include Emily Lynch (since 2015) and Gena Vinsand (since 2016).

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